Friday, February 20, 2009

Living Up to My Title

Yes, I am frustrated. The last post I tried to put up got lost in cyberspace. I spent a lot of time on it and it chaps my hide. Oh well. I've mustered up the gumption to try again.

I tried to post about our bouts with pneumonia but I've worn that subject out in my mind. Suffice to say, we had pneumonia.

Sadie is funny. The other day she was rubbing the doggies belly (which is cute enough in itself) and spent a while studying the dogs private parts. After a while she said, "you're nakey" - which in Sadie language means the dog is naked. It was just so funny to think that her mind was trying to make sense of what she was seeing and the conclusion she came to which ended with a simple statement to the dog herself.

Went to my first stamp club last night. It was fun. I am going to a crop tonight so I am finally getting my creative fix which I have been needing badly. Yay!

Zoe got voted "best eyes" in her class at school. I guess they pick two girls and two guys. She will have her picture taken with the others and be featured in the yearbook. Who would have thunk that a kid of mine would be best anything as far as looks are concerned. Her eyes are beautiful, so at least I know these kids aren't stupid.

Okay, this JUST HAPPENED. Sadie walks in to the room and she smells bad. So I ask her if she is poopy. Initially she says no. I say I don't believe her. Then she says boldly ,"I POOPED MY PANTS!". She's never used that terminology before so I thought it was pretty funny. She does however, on a regular basis say "I pooped my butt" which I still think is funny every time. Hopefully she doesn't try to amuse everyone at church and MOPS with her sophomoric humor.

Went through Zoe, Isabel and Sadie's rooms and got rid of a mountain of trash. Now I have a ton of baby stuff I need to post on Craig's List. Stuff to donate to charity. Toys to bring to Immanuel. How is it that their rooms generate all this work for me? Ugh.

Our computer in the basement which is my arch enemy got infected with a nasty virus-like adware bug. At first we thought we would have to re-format and start over. Then I found a post on Cnet explaining how to get rid of this particular bug and the solution worked. I was kind of proud of myself for fixing it.

Got communication going with my MOPPETS. Got some feedback and we are going to discuss it as a team and make some decisions. Finally I feel like I am "doing my job" as MOPPET Coordinator. It feels good to have a handle on it and be in control of that stuff. It took a while, with being sick and missing meetings but now I feel confident in the role.

Well, I must go now and get my stuff ready for the crop. I wish I could bring everything. If I did it would take up a couple tables. I'd have to pay extra for that I am sure.

Oh yeah, I have a diaper to change too.

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